Festilight – S.A.S. with a share capital of 600 000 €
Address : 8 rue des Vignes – 10410 VILLECHETIF – FRANCE
Phone: + 33 (0)3 25 83 23 00
Email : contact@festilight.fr
Festilight member of FESTIGROUP
Holding with a capital of 6 000 000 €
N° SIRET : 414 314 898 00035
Code APE : 4647Z
VAT identification number : FR92 414 314 898
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Unless explicitly authorized by the President and CEO of FESTILIGHT, all content available from FESTILIGHT websites is protected by copyright. Any reproduction or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the content is expressly prohibited by law. Any person not complying with applicable legal provisions is guilty of infringement and is liable to penalties provided by law. The trademarks and logos appearing on this site are registered trademarks of FESTILIGHT. Their mention does not in any way grant a license or right to use any such trademarks, which may not be used without the prior written consent of the trademark owner, under penalty of infringement
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Hosted by Infomaniak Network SA
Address: Eugène-Marziano 25,
1227 Genève – Switzerland
N° IDE & TVA : CHE-103.167.648
Festilight – Web development service
Adjust Production
Cédric Danonville
Drone 67
Drone Développement
Drone Effect
Gerardo Jaconelli
Jehan Debujadoux
KMM Productions
Mikal Ludlow
MLJ Prod Bretagne
Newair Digital
Photos Pixel – Christophe Bouquin
Pil Video
Studio 2 Terre – Olivier Frajman
WB Production